I'm sure people were probably asking themselves some of the following questions: "What is the function of that stuff?" or "Does it really have any medical benefits?" or "Can I get some of that?"Well I'm here to inform you on what the "stuff" is and to tell you where you can get it.
What Is It?
The tape seen on all these athletes is called Kinesiotape and it was developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase o
ver 25 years ago in Japan. The Kinesiotaping method uses patented tape to help treat musculoskeletal disorders and assist with lymphedema reduction. Since it's introduction into the United States medical arena, Kinesiotape has been used by all practitioners including: physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, and muscle therapists. The tape can be worn for several days with comfort and ease, thus allowing the individual using it to receive the therapeutic benefits 24 hours per day. It is currently used in hospitals, clinics, high schools, and professional sports teams.
The tape seen on all these athletes is called Kinesiotape and it was developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase o
How Does It Work?
The tape can applied two ways: UNSTRETCHED or STRETCHED. Both provide different desirable effects for the body, resulting in decreased pain and thus, increased performance.
UNSTRETCHED: With this application method, the SKIN over the affected area is stretched before the kinesiotape is applied. After application, the taped skin will form convolutions when the skin and muscles contract back to their normal position. The convolutions lifts the skin, and the flow of blood and lymphatic fluid beneath the skin improve.
STRETCHED: If joints or ligaments are injured, the TAPE should be stretched before application on the skin. This will allow the tape to hold some tension and to take the place of the damaged joints or ligaments.
ORIGIN-TO-INSERTION: Starting from where the muscle begins (origin), tape is laid along it and ends where the muscle ends (insertion). This is typically used for support by pulling and stimulating the skin/muscle back towards the point of origin, thus assisting with muscle contraction.
INSERTION-TO-ORIGIN: This is used for preventing cramping or overcontraction (overuse) of muscles. The tape is laid from the end of the muscle back towards the starting point. This is good also for strain/sprains and tendon injuries where it is desirable to decr. tension/stress on tendons, muscles, or ligaments.
What's So Special About The Tape?
The elasticity of the tape also creates the convolutions on the skin, which help facilitate lymphatic drainage and improve circulation. This results in pressure and irritation being moved off of neural and sensory receptors, thereby alleviating pain.
How Can I Get It?
You can check out Kinesio Taping at their website at: http://www.kinesiotaping.com/. Or be on the lookout at ESPT, as we will be providing this service in the very near future.
You can check out Kinesio Taping at their website at: http://www.kinesiotaping.com/. Or be on the lookout at ESPT, as we will be providing this service in the very near future.